🍭MUI Theme styleOverrides

TSS Support MUI Global style overrides from createTheme out of the box. Previously in material-ui v4 it was: global theme overrides.

By default, however, only the theme object is passed to the callbacks, if you want to pass the correct props, and a specific ownerState have a look at the following example:


export type Props = {
    className?: string;
    classes?: Partial<ReturnType<typeof useStyles>["classes"]>;
    lightBulbBorderColor: string;

function MyComponent(props: Props) {

    const { className } = props;

    const [isOn, toggleIsOn] = useReducer(isOn => !isOn, false);

    const { classes, cx } = useStyles(undefined, { props, "ownerState": { isOn } });

    return (
        <div className={cx(classes.root, className)} >
            <div className={classes.lightBulb}></div>
            <button onClick={toggleIsOn}>{`Turn ${isOn?"off":"on"}`}</button>
            <p>Div should have a border, background should be white</p>
            <p>Light bulb should have black border, it should be yellow when turned on.</p>


//NOTE: you can also write { "name": "MyComponent" }
const useStyles = makeStyles({ "name": { MyComponent } })(theme => ({
    "root": {
        "border": "1px solid black",
        "width": 500,
        "height": 200,
        "position": "relative",
        "color": "black"
    "lightBulb": {
        "position": "absolute",
        "width": 50,
        "height": 50,
        "top": 120,
        "left": 500/2 - 50,
        "borderRadius": "50%"

You can also write makeStyles({ "name": "MyComponent" }), see specific doc.

Declaration of the theme:

import { createTheme } from "@mui/material/styles";
import { ThemeProvider } from "@mui/material/styles";

const theme = createTheme({
    "components": {
        //@ts-ignore: It's up to you to define the types for your library
        "MyComponent": {
            "styleOverrides": {
                "lightBulb": ({ theme, ownerState: { isOn }, lightBulbBorderColor })=>({
                    "border": `1px solid ${lightBulbBorderColor}`,
		    "backgroundColor": isOn ? theme.palette.info.main : "grey"

    <MuiThemeProvider theme={theme}>

Usage of the component:

import { useStyles } from "tss-react/mui";

function App(){
    const { css } = useStyles();
    return (
            className={css({ "backgroundColor": "white" })}
                "root": css({
                    "backgroundColor": "red",
                    "border": "1px solid black"


You can see the code here and it's live here (near the bottom of the page).

Last updated