import { useMergedClasses } from "tss-react";
type Props = {
//classes?: { foo?: string; bar?: string; };
classes?: Partial<ReturnType<typeof useStyles>["classes"]>;
function MyTestComponentForMergedClassesInternal(props: Props) {
const { classes } = useStyles({ "color": "pink" }, { props });
//NOTE: Only the classes will be read from props,
//you could write { props: { classes: props.classes } } instead of { props }
//and it would work the same.
return (
<div className={}>
<span className={}>
The background should be green, the box should have a dotted
border and the text should be pink
const useStyles = makeStyles<{ color: string; }>()({
"foo": {
"border": "3px dotted black",
"backgroundColor": "red"
"bar": {
classes={{ "foo": css({ "backgroundColor": "green" }) }}