export function App() {
const { classes, cx } = useStyles({ "color": "primary" });
return (
<div className={classes.root}>
<div className={classes.child}>
The Background take the primary theme color when the mouse is
hover the parent.
<div className={cx(classes.child, classes.small)}>
The Background take the primary theme color when the mouse is
hover the parent. I am smaller than the other child.
const useStyles = makeStyles<
{ color: "primary" | "secondary" },
"child" | "small"
>()((theme, { color }, classes) => ({
"root": {
"padding": 30,
[`&:hover .${classes.child}`]: {
"backgroundColor": theme.palette[color].main
"small": {},
"child": {
"border": "1px solid black",
"height": 50,
[`&.${classes.small}`]: {
"height": 30
WARNING: Nested selectors requires ES6 Proxy support which IE doesn't support.
It can't be polyfilled (this will not work) but don't worry, if Proxy is not available on a particular browser, no error will be thrown and TSS will still do its work.
Only nested selectors won't work.
With server side rendering enabled you could end up with warnings like:
Warning: Prop className did not match. Server: "tss-XXX-root-ref" Client: "tss-YYY-root-ref".
You can fix this error by providing an uniq id when calling makeStyles or withStyles (It will set XXX and YYY).
Short unique identifiers can be generated with this website.