makeStyles -> useStyles


Your component style may depend on the props and state of the components:

const useStyles = makeStyles<{ color: string; }>()(
    (_theme, { color }) => ({
        "root": {
            "backgroundColor": color


const { classes } = useStyles({ "color": "grey" });

...Or it may not:

const useStyles = makeStyles()({
    //If you don't need neither the theme nor any state or
    //props to describe your component style you can pass-in
    //an object instead of a callback.
    "root": {
        "backgroundColor": "pink"


const { classes } = useStyles();

Naming the stylesheets (useful for debugging and theme style overrides)

To ease debugging you can specify a name that will appear in every class names. It is like the in material-ui v4's makeStyles.

It's also required to for theme style overrides.

const useStyles = makeStyles({ "name": "MyComponent" })({
    "root": {


const { classes } = useStyles();

//classes.root will be a string like: "tss-xxxxxx-MyComponent-root"

Usually, you want the name to match the name of the component you are styling. You can pass the name as the first key or a wrapper object like so:

export function MyComponent() {
    const { classes } = useStyles();
    return <h1 className={classes.root}>Hello World</h1>;

const useStyles = makeStyles({ "name": { MyComponent } })({
    "root": {


const { classes } = useStyles();

//classes.root will be a string like: "tss-xxxxxx-MyComponent-root"

This prevent you from having to remember to update the label when you rename the component.

You can also explicitly provide labels on a case by case basis if you do, your label will overwrite the one generated by tss-react.


Beside the classes, useStyles also returns cx, css and your theme. css is the function as defined in @emotion/css cx is the function as defined in @emotion/css

const { classes, cx, css, theme } = useStyles(/*...*/);

In some components you may need cx, css or theme without defining custom classes. For that purpose you can use the useStyles hook returned by createMakeStyles.


import { createMakeAndWithStyles } from "tss-react";

function useTheme() {
    return {
        "primaryColor": "#32CD32",

export const {
    useStyles //<- This useStyles is like the useStyles you get when you
    //   call makeStyles but it doesn't return a classes object.
} = createMakeAndWithStyles({ useTheme });


//Here we ca import useStyles directly instead of generating it from makeStyles.
import { useStyles } from "./makeStyles";

export function MyComponent(props: Props) {
    const { className } = props;

    const { cx, css, theme } = useStyles();

    return (
        <span className={cx(css({ "color": theme.primaryColor }), className)}>
            hello world

Last updated