import { createTss,//<- (From 4.9) The Modern API, you provide your context like a dynamic theme for example. tss,//<- The Modern API, to use when you don't have a dynamic theme object that you want to make available when you write your styles. keyframes,//<- The function as defined in @emotion/react and @emotion/css GlobalStyles,//<- A component to define global styles. } from"tss-react";import { tss // <- (From 4.9) The Modern API, that use the global MUI theme as context. It's also configured to enable global theme overrides on your custom components. makeStyles,//<- A function similar to @material-ui/core/styles configured to use the global MUI theme. withStyles,//<- A function similar to @material-ui/core/styles configured to use the global MUI theme.} from"tss-react/mui";