๐ŸฉณMUI sx syntax

I wouldn't recommend employing the Sx syntax in tandem with TSS, as its benefits don't seem significant in this context. The Sx syntax's primary advantage lies in its brevity, which is especially useful when intertwining JSX and styles. On the other hand, TSS offers the benefit of separating these two aspects.

As an example, I would personally prefer writing: backgroundColor: theme.palette.primary.main over backgroundColor: "primary.main"

While the latter is indeed more concise, it sacrifices type safety for the sake of brevity, which, in my opinion, isn't a favorable trade-off.

Please don't hesitate to initiate a discussion if you believe there are aspects I may have overlooked.

You can use the MUI's Sx syntax in MUI like so:

import { mui }ย from "tss-react/mui";
import { unstable_styleFunctionSx } from "@mui/system";
import type { CSSObject } from "tss-react";
export const styleFunctionSx = unstable_styleFunctionSx as (params: object) => CSSObject;

function TestSxComponent() {

    const { classes } = useStyles();
    return (
        <div className={classes.root}>
            Should look like: https://mui.com/material-ui/react-box/#the-sx-prop
            but in green.

const useStyles = tss
        root: styleFunctionSx({
            sx: {
                width: 300,
                height: 300,
                backgroundColor: "primary.dark",
                "&:hover": {
                    backgroundColor: 'primary.main',
                    opacity: [0.9, 0.8, 0.7]

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