💽Emotion Cache

How to integrate emotion cache with TSS

There is three ways to make tss-react use a specific emotion cache instead of the default one.

Using the provider

tss-react pickups the contextual cache.

import { CacheProvider } from "@emotion/react";
import createCache from "@emotion/cache";

const cache = createCache({
  "key": "custom"

    <CacheProvider value={cache}>
        {/* ... */}

Use a specific provider

If you want to provide a contextuel cache only to tss-react you can use the <TssCacheProvider />.

This is usefull if you want to enforce that TSS and MUI uses different caches.

import { TssCacheProvider } from "tss-react";
import createCache from "@emotion/cache";

const cache = createCache({
  "key": "tss"

    <TssCacheProvider value={cache}>
        {/* ... */}

To be clear, the difference between import { CacheProvider } from "@emotion/react"; and import { TssCacheProvider } from "tss-react"; is that the cahe provided by <TssCacheProvider /> will only be picked up by tss-react when the cache provided by <CacheProvider /> will be picked up by TSS, MUI and any direct usage of @emotion/react.

If you are a library author that publish a module that uses tss-react internally. You should avoid using <TssCacheProvider /> if you want to avoid having tss-react as peerDependency of your module.

Specify the cache at inception

import createCache from "@emotion/cache";
import { createTss } from "tss-react";

const cache = createCache({
  "key": "tss"

export const { tss } = createTss({

This approach isn't the best option for SSR.

Last updated